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$1000 Video Contest


LDC is proud to announce two $1000 video contest that aim to encourage youth and young professionals from across North America to attend Len Duong Camp.

LDC will award one $1000 scholarship to:

  • One individual camper or your local Vietnamese Student Association

    • You can submit as an individual or can submit as a group to represent your local Vietnamese Student Association (at least one representative from your group must attend Len Duong Camp 2023)

  • One individual staff or the Staff team you are representing at Len Duong 2023

To be eligible to participate in this contest, you must…

  • be 18 - 35 years old & be of Vietnamese descent

  • register and attend Len Duong Camp 2023 to accept the award

  • Create and upload a video (3-8 minutes) to your personal Facebook profile or your YouTube channel or Google Drive with the following criteria:

    • Address the questions below in either English or Vietnamese:

      • If you could have everything in life, what would it be? What must happen for you to obtain what you just mentioned?


  • Nếu bạn có thể có mọi thứ trong cuộc sống, bạn muốn có gì? Điều gì sẽ phải xảy ra để bạn có những gì bạn vừa đề cập?

This video contest is sponsored by Mr. Bao Tran from VN Florida Home. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS.

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